Learning Aids
Cyberbase, on screen player
Carus Music App, relevant when using Carus scores (see iPad demo here; Android version also available)
Choralia, on screen player and downloadable
Learn Choral Music, a compendium of midi files, by part, for download only
Singing Practice, downloadable files
LCS Soprano Annie Rimmer has written a useful guide and comparison for Carus and Choralia here.
Books, programmes and podcasts
Eyes and Ears; An Anthology of Melodies for Sight Reading, Ben Crowell (2017). Covers rhythm, major and minor keys, diatonic and non-diatonic materials and the C Clef (thanks to Ian Russell for submitting this)
Composer of the Week., BBC Radio 3. Vast collection of programmes, clips, podcasts and photos. Programming can be downloaded or listened to directly in browser.
Please email info@lewishamchoralsociety.org.uk if you would like additional resources added to this page.